Epilogue: Supper In The Green Lake Room

Epilogue: Supper In The Green Lake Room

While luncheon was subdued, supper was lively indeed.  As many in the room were in shock and denial, an equal number saw an opportunity to advance their private causes, and with them, the fortunes of their respective peoples.  Apache Traders and Western Bandits were busily recreating Scottsdale Arizona using pastries and condiments, planning out battle strategies together.  Flagellantes were discussing evacuation plans with the nobility of New Spain.  Individuals who had not darkened a church door in many a year were buying rosary beads and learning how to use them.

A chamber quartet has playing Heitor Villa-Lobos ‘Bachianas Brazillerias’ on a raised platform over the Green Lake. Don Antonio thought its somber and sweeping melodies oddly apt for the occasion.



Synopsis: Abbot Gaudentius invites himself the supper table of the Sepulvedas and Bacas during the banquet.  He asks that a place be set for a sixth guest.

The Sepulvedas and Bacas are in shock and denial. If Rintiala’s story of the events at the Sanctuary on Camelback Mountain are true, why hasn’t New Spain been destroyed by the Sky Wanderers.   The two couples list all the known facts about the Sky Wanderers, setting the priority on the few known artifacts, those necropoli still covered with poisonous shrouds, potentially as dangerous as they were over four hundred years ago.  And if the Sky Wanderers came soon, what could New Spain do about it? The Dons agree: these stories must not reach the common people of the Empty Earth. At best it would destroy their budding ambitions and future hopes, at worst it could lead to savagery.

At the end of the meal, when all are considering when and how to depart, a single Apache Trader comes to their table. He is about thirty years old, medium height, and very muscular in build. He is wearing a poncho of a silky blue color that reflects and manipulates the light of the bronze torches in the Green Lake Room.


“Good evening to you, Abbot Gaudentius,” the Apache Trader said cordially.

“And a good evening to you,” Abbot Gaudentius replied. “Dons and Donas, I would like to introduce to you the man who walked out of the desert, carrying the truths of these stories of First Sister Rintiala.”

The Sepulvedas and Bacas rose to greet their new supper companion.  “I am very pleased to finally meet these two great families again. It has been a long time.”

“Again?” Dona Carmencita asked.

“Yes. Please allow me to introduce myself. My family name is lost to me now, but you may call me ‘Hunts-The-Ruins’.